45. If physically challenged people don’t have State Unified Exams results, they take entrance exams determined by the University individually in accordance with the List of Entrance Exams and additional entrance exams with due account for their special needs, individual peculiarities and health conditions (henceforth: individual peculiarities).
46. Entrance exam in Russian are held in the written form (composition, exposition or dictation) and/or oral form.
47. In conducting the entrance examinations the following requirements must be provided:
entrance examinations are conducted in a separate classroom. The number of applicants in one classroom mustn’t exceed: for the exam in the written form – 12 people, for the exam in the oral form – 6 people. The number of physically challenged applicants may exceed the aforementioned limits as well as it is allowed to hold entrance exams for physically challenged applicants together with applicants without these problems, if it does not create difficulties for physically challenged applicants;
at the written request of applicants, filed prior to the entrance tests, duration of the entrance exams, entrance exams held by the University independently and additional entrance exams can be increased with respect to the time of the exam to the relevant State Unified Exams, but for no more than 1.5 hours;
presence of an assistant who provides the necessary technical aid depending on their individual peculiarities (to take a place, move, read and fill in the task, communicate with the examiner);
the applicants are given the printed copy of the instruction about the order of entrance examinations;
in accordance with their individual peculiarities the applicants are allowed to use necessary technical aids during the exam;
Material and technical conditions should allow unhampered access of the applicants to the class-rooms, toilet and other facilities. The above mentioned premises must provide all the conditions for the applicants (ramps, hand-rails, expanded doorways, lifts, special seating and other devices). If there are no lifts, the classrooms should be located on the ground floor.
In addition, during the entrance examinations the following requirements are provided, depending on the categories of applicants with disabilities:
a) for the blind:
tasks for the entrance test, as well as instructions on how to conduct entrance tests are recorded in Braille type or as an electronic document accessible using a computer with specialized software for the blind, or can be read by an assistant;
written assignments are done on paper in Braille type or on a computer with specialized software for the blind, or dictated to an assistant;
examinees are provided a set of pens and paper for writing in Braille type and a computer with specialized software for the blind;
b) for the starblind:
uniform individual illumination is provided not less than 300 lux;
if necessary, the applicants are given a magnifying glass;
tasks and instructions on how to conduct entrance tests are recorded in large print (siza 16 - 20);
c) for the deaf or hearing-impaired:
sound amplifying equipment of multiple and individual (if necessary) access is provided;
d) for the persons with severe speech pathology all the entrance tests can be held in the written form;
e) for persons with impaired locomotor system (severely impaired motor function of upper extremities or the lack of upper limb):
written assignments are done on a computer with specialized software, or dictated to an assistant;
on request all the written tests can be held in the oral form.