Committee on Youth Affairs of Dagestan State University was founded in 1999. Dagestan State University is the first university which created such a body working in the field of youth policy. There are primary organizations of the Committee for Youth Affairs with the Chairman of the head in all departments of the university. Owing to its organic structure, which includes such sectors of work as educational, cultural, sportive, organizational, the sector of scientific research, the sector working with the first course students, the sector of social work, etc., the Committee of Youth can cover virtually all spheres of public, cultural, scientific and sports activities of students.
The work is actively carried out in such arias as military-patriotic, civic education, moral, spiritual and aesthetic, intellectual and scientific development of students as well as sports and recreational activities.
One of the brightest events in the field of military-patriotic and civic education is the celebration of Victory and "Memory Watch of DSU." Students visit veterans at home, arrange meetings with them at the faculties of the university.
Trips of the staff of DSU to military units, border posts and units of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have become a good tradition. Such visits to the military units are accompanied by students` amateur concerts and gifts for soldiers.
A burning issue for the Committee on Youth Affairs of DSU is the prevention of drug addiction. The Committee cooperates closely with the Office of the Federal Service for Drug Control in the Republic of Dagestan. Such events as roundtables, workshops and conferences on the theme: "Healthy Lifestyle", "No Drugs" and others are held regularly with participation of workers of the Department of Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Narcotics Traffic Control in the Republic of Dagestan, the anti-AIDS center and drug prophylactic center. DSU and its Committee on Youth in particular are awarded with certificates and letters of thanks of the Department of Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Narcotics Traffic Control in Dagestan Republic for active work in the field of drug prevention.
The Club of Friendly Youth of DSU is to visit children's boarding schools, orphanages and other social and rehabilitation centers to the Children's Day.
Students from various faculties within the campaign "Give joy to the children" several times visited the orphanage named after Lisa Chaikina in Makhachkala and Makhachkala boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care. Youth Committee implemented a special program for children from special schools, orphanages and schools for disabled children of Makhachkala, Kaspiysk, Buinaksk, Izberbash, the village of Aksai, within the framework of which children attend museums of DSU, university departments, attend amateur concerts "Student Spring ". Students of DSU organize such humane actions as "I am a donor." Several times a year the students from different faculties of DSU donate blood in the National Blood Transfusion Station, they are also engaged in distributing leaflets with information about the shape and location of the action and rally calling to become a volunteer donor.
Each year student activists and amateur team of DSU visit Moscow State University as a part of celebrating the All-Russian student day, as well as participation in the festival, "Tatyana's Day", All-Russian Forum of youth leaders and student organizations of the Russian Federation.
Much attention is paid by DSU to the intellectual development of students.
Thus, the DSU is the first institution of the republic, where the regular game of intellectual club "Brain Ring" takes place. "Brain Ring" of DSU during the period of its existence turned into an annual intellectual battle ground the university teams. Dew to the great interest to the game from the students of DSU and other educational institutions, the game has recently gained the status of an open league, in which along with the teams from different faculties of DSU students from other universities of the country take part. But this fact does not prevent the teams of DSU from becoming winners of the series and season finale of the game.
It’s worth mentioning that along with the game "Brain Ring" DSU has become the first to organize youth debates "Pros and Cons."
Each of "Brain Ring of DSU" games and debates "Pros and Cons" is broadcast on central national television and enjoys great popularity with viewers.
DSU also works in the sphere of the staff training for work in student teams. For this purpose, the university organizes seminars and training for student activists. Student activists are sent to the All-Russian student activists camp in Anapa, take part in an annual Youth Forum "Seliger", as well as participate in the national student workshops and camps of the Russian Union of Students held in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Troitsk, Pyatigorsk and etc.
In order to promote and encourage student activists and young scholars DSU holds an annual awards ceremony "The Recognition of DSU", carried out on the basis of work in educational, scientific, social, sporting and cultural activities. The ceremony of "Recognition of DSU" is held in seven nominations: "Best Start", "Culture", "Trade union leader," "Sports", "Science", "Community Leader" and "Young Teacher".
The winners in the listed categories are awarded with prizes and diplomas. This ceremony allows us not only to encourage the most active among the students, but is also recognition of young people’s work for the benefit of their home institution and country. The ceremony "Recognition of DGS" is broadcast annually on state television channel of the Republic of Dagestan.
As a result of the All-Russian competition in the development of student self-government "Student asset - 2011», the Youth Committee of DSU was awarded in the nomination "Our Rector is a student’s friend" and "Best Body of student government."